How to Use Palmtherapy to Ease Grief

How to Use Palmtherapy to Ease Grief

The ability to ease your grief lies in the palm of your hand. Literally. Palmtherapy centers around the idea that your palm is to your brain what a keyboard is to a computer. Lines in your hands represent energy pathways of your personality traits. By stimulating these lines, you can quickly change your mood, thinking patterns, behavior and talents.

Things You'll Need:

Palmtherapy resource book

Computer with Internet access


Read up on Palmtherapy on Moshe Zwang's website (see Resources below). He discusses his hypothesis and experiences practicing palmtherapy.


Watch a video which explains how to do palmtherapy. It's available on Zwang's website.


Buy Moshe Zwang's book "Palm Therapy: Program Your Mind Through Your Palms--A Major Breakthrough in Palmistry." It's available at the Palmtherapy website.


Sit down and practice Palmtherapy. Refer to Zwang's research book for hand maps and tips about massaging.


Massage the key lines of the hand that correlate with your grief. Use your thumb to walk along the palm line. Apply steady pressure for up to 20 seconds. Breathe deeply and evenly.


Find a certified palm therapist to provide you with a more complete experience. Look for one who is a member of the International Palmtherapy Association. There is a list on Moshe Zwang's website.


Set up a session with the palm therapist. They typically last an hour. The palm therapist will examine your hands and stimulate the palm lines that help ease your grief.

Tips & Warnings

You can also pay to download a copy of Moshe Zwang's book online, if you prefer to read it on your computer.

Consider attending one of Moshe Zwang's worldwide seminars. There's a schedule on his website.

Palmtherapy is not a substitute for psychiatric treatment or psychotherapy.

Don't perform palmtherapy on yourself if you suffer from emotional issues. Talk to your psychiatrist or psychotherapist.

Keep in mind that many alternative forms of medicine have not been scientifically evaluated. Talk to your doctor about your decision to pursue palmtherapy.